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workout tracker notion template

1. Workout Tracker: A Beginner's Dream

The Workout Tracker is more than just a tool; it's a beginner's dream come true. This template provides a comprehensive approach to tracking gym sessions and progress. With its user-friendly dashboard, gym goals setting, and exercise hub, it's a fantastic free option for those starting their fitness journey.

Explore the Workout Tracker here!

Ultimate Workout Tracker

2. Ultimate Workout Tracker

For those ready to take their fitness to the next level, the Ultimate Workout Tracker is the perfect match. At $49, it offers a gamified fitness experience with a bodybuilding hub, cardio and stretching sections, and detailed tracking features. It's ideal for fitness enthusiasts looking for a comprehensive and engaging fitness tracking experience.

Discover the Ultimate Workout Tracker!

Gym OS notion template

3. Gym OS: Comprehensive and Versatile

Gym OS is a standout for its versatility. Priced at $19, it caters to both beginners and seasoned gym-goers. This template includes everything from daily calorie and macro tracking to a full-fledged gym database. It's a complete fitness planner and tracker, perfect for those who appreciate an all-in-one approach.

Organize your fitness routine with Gym OS!

Workout Planner 2.0

4. Workout Planner 2.0: Personalize Your Fitness

The Workout Planner 2.0 is a fantastic free option for those looking to tailor their fitness plans. It stands out with its customization options, allowing users to align their workouts with specific goals. The inclusion of a meal planner makes it a holistic choice for balancing exercise and nutrition.

Personalize your fitness journey with Workout Planner 2.0!

gym tracker os notion template

5. Gym Tracker OS

At just $9, the Gym Tracker OS is an excellent tool for self-motivated fitness enthusiasts. It allows for the creation of custom challenges and workouts, and tracking of personal bests. It's designed for those who are serious about tracking their progress and pushing their limits.

Unleash your fitness potential with Gym Tracker OS!

Food &amp; Sports Diary: Nutrition and Fitness

6. Food & Sports Diary: Nutrition and Fitness

The Food & Sports Diary is an essential tool for anyone focused on holistic well-being. It's designed to help you master both nutrition and your sports routine, making it easier to achieve and maintain your health goals. This comprehensive toolkit is perfect for those who want to keep a detailed record of their dietary habits and exercise regimen in one place.

Explore the Food & Sports Diary here!

Run Tracker +

7. Run Tracker +: For the Ambitious Runner

If running is your passion, Run Tracker + is your ideal companion. This template is tailored for setting and tracking ambitious running goals. It's equipped with features to log your runs, track personal records, and analyze your progress through graphs and tables. This template is a must-have for runners looking to elevate their training.

Set your pace with Run Tracker +!

Habit Tracker Mobile

8. Habit Tracker Mobile: Simplify Your Habit Tracking

For those always on the move, the Habit Tracker Mobile is a perfect choice. This template is designed for easy tracking on mobile devices, featuring a minimal design with only the necessary features. It's ideal for users who prefer simplicity and efficiency in habit tracking, helping you stay consistent with your goals wherever you are.

Track your habits on the go with Habit Tracker Mobile!

habit tracker os

9. Habit Tracker OS: Build and Break Habits Effectively

The Habit Tracker OS is a comprehensive tool for anyone looking to establish new habits or break old ones. Whether your goals are fitness-related or otherwise, this tracker helps you stay on course. It’s particularly useful for setting daily reminders and tracking your progress towards your personal goals.

Form new habits with Habit Tracker OS!

Notion Time Boxing Planner

10. Notion Time Boxing Planner: Organize Your Life with the Harvard’s Technique

The Notion Time Boxing Planner utilizes the Harvard Time Boxing Technique to boost productivity and organization. It’s a fantastic tool for breaking down tasks and goals into manageable chunks. This method promotes focus and efficiency, making it an excellent choice for those with busy schedules looking to maximize their time.

Maximize productivity with the Time Boxing Planner!