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Getting good at Notion shortcuts can make your work much easier and faster.

Whether you use Windows or Mac, this guide covers the key shortcuts you'll need in 2024.

We're keeping things simple, so you can learn and start using them right away without any hassle.

Starting with common shortcuts for both windows and mac.

keys notion

Common Shortcuts for Both Windows and Mac:

  • Create New Page (Desktop): Ctrl/Command + N

  • Open New Window (Desktop): Ctrl/Command + Shift + N

  • Open Page as New Window (Desktop): Alt/Option + Shift + Click

  • Open Link as New Tab (Desktop): Ctrl/Command + Click

  • Create New Tab (Desktop): Ctrl/Command + T

  • Open Search/Recent Page: Ctrl/Command + P

  • Copy Page URL: Ctrl/Command + L

  • Navigate Back a Page: Ctrl/Command + [

  • Navigate Forward a Page: Ctrl/Command + ]

  • Toggle Dark/Light Mode: Ctrl/Command + Shift + L

Content Markdown (Applicable to both Windows and Mac):

  • Bold Text: Surround text with (e.g., bold**)

  • Italicize Text: Surround text with `` (e.g., italic*)

  • Strikethrough Text: Surround text with ~ (e.g., ~strikethrough~)

  • Create Inline Code: Surround text with ``` (e.g., inline code)

  • Create Bulleted List: Start with , , or + followed by space

  • Create Numbered List: Start with 1. , a. , or i. followed by space

  • Create Toggle List: Start with > followed by space

  • Create Quote Block: Start with " followed by space

Content Styling for Windows and Mac:

  • Insert Text: Enter

  • Line Break: Shift + Enter

  • Create Comment: Ctrl/Command + Shift + M

  • Insert Divider: Type --

  • Bold Text: Ctrl/Command + B

  • Italicize Text: Ctrl/Command + I

  • Underline Text: Ctrl/Command + U

  • Strikethrough Text: Ctrl/Command + Shift + S

  • Add Link: Ctrl/Command + K

  • Inline Code: Ctrl/Command + E

  • Indent Content: Tab

  • Un-nest Content: Shift + Tab

content styling

Additional Content Creation Shortcuts:

  • Create H1 Heading: Ctrl/Command + Shift/Option + 1

  • Create H2 Heading: Ctrl/Command + Shift/Option + 2

  • Create H3 Heading: Ctrl/Command + Shift/Option + 3

  • Create To-Do Checkbox: Ctrl/Command + Shift/Option + 4

  • Create Bulleted List: Ctrl/Command + Shift/Option + 5

  • Create Numbered List: Ctrl/Command + Shift/Option + 6

  • Create Toggle List: Ctrl/Command + Shift/Option + 7

  • Create Code Block: Ctrl/Command + Shift/Option + 8

  • Create New Page: Ctrl/Command + Shift/Option + 9

  • Zoom In: Ctrl/Command + +

  • Zoom Out: Ctrl/Command + –

Managing Blocks and Navigation:

  • Select Current Block: Escape

  • Select Block with Cursor: Ctrl/Command + A

  • Toggle Full-Screen Image: Space

  • Expand Selection: Shift + Up/Down Arrow

  • Move Selected Block: Ctrl/Command + Shift + Arrow Keys

  • Duplicate Content: Alt/Option + Drag and Drop


That's pretty much what you need to get quicker at using Notion. Just remember, like learning anything new, it takes a bit of practice.

Start with the shortcuts you think you'll use the most and add more as you go.

The idea is to make your work smoother, not to memorize a bunch of shortcuts you'll never use. Take it one step at a time, and you'll find yourself getting faster and more efficient.

And remember, if you ever forget a shortcut, just come back to this guide for a refresher.

Happy Notion-ing!